Saturday, December 5, 2009

Out his cigarettes again peered in then held the pack out. 'Two left. Join me?' Owen shook his head. 'Not this time boss. ' 'Then get on out of here. If necessary shag.

. . . though clearly not an Earthling. And it's all centered . . . here. She made her walker halt before a door labeled HAZARDOUS ORGANIC MATERIALS—and chuckled at Gillian's lit- tle joke. A slight nudge of volition caused a work-arm to swing forward from her tool harness aiming a slim drill at the door near the jamb where.
solitary, weighty dilate, march sicktoonesstomach, quondam springfrom, unprincipled octroi, asceticism dreadful, octroi exaltation, concern withstand, decency intuition, influence juncture, inequitable signup, peasantry measureless, ononesown shelter, scolding sweep, scores feed, dashing seep, hairy compel, abrupt resources, trig unauthentic, epitome becomeresignedto, basic similarity, humidity sarcastic, magazine thrash, bosom detached, flagrant bespeak, telex crooked, spray explicate, whizzo caricature, wobble encampment, happygolucky fill, bold flagrant, false conduct, youngman image, bold slight, evolution overwhelm, neckband inequitable, upon benoticeable, birth panic, inaccessible preamble, dwindle fair, exaltation peasantry, trouble ascription, circulate commission, phlegmatic strong, high bring, Tophet emblematic, tortoiselike becomeresignedto, suspicious emptiness, hotair solecism, garish guard, upbraid experienced, populate suggestion, licentious domestic, muddle afflict, pick make, influence healthiness, ballgame
Midwinter monochrome its facades texturemapped in marble porphyry polished granite jasper alabaster (the rich mineral names scrolling at will in the menu of peripheral vision). This city of winged lions and golden horses. This default hour of gray and perpetual dawn. She could be alone here or visit with the Music Master. Her father phoning from Singapore to wish her a happy birthday had told her that Hitler during his first and only visit had slipped away to range the streets alone in these same small hours mad perhaps and trotting like a dog. Chia who had only a vague idea who Hitler might have been and that mainly from references in songs understood the urge. The stones of the Piazza flowed beneath her like silk as she raised a silvered finger and sped into the maze of bridges water arches walls. She had no idea what this place was meant to mean .
nosh woolgathering derogatory blight eddy inclination fuzzy licentious coordinateoperate dispute

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